Saturday, 30 April 2011

Artefact 5 - abort and redo

Artefact 5 has proved to be quite a pain. I have made the animation but decided to redesign the artefact from scratch. I`m going to do an interview instead but before I explain why the sudden change, I`d like to take the time to explain some things I did gain from the experience of making the animation.

Having to draw and animate, both processes involving significant amount of time, even for a short and very basic project, makes you boil down your message to its essence. You think about what is really crucial in getting your point across because you don`t want to waste time working on details that add nothing to the final  work.

If you have the additional problem that I do of not being skilled in drawing, you`ll also have to consider how `simple can be better`. Simple drawings, simple actions, cut to the chase in a few frames.

The theme was `people who project their personal beliefs unto random patterns discovered on everyday objects`. The main inspiration came from the Mitchell and Webb sketch I posted earlier, but there are a few other sources to look at:

 So, why the sudden change? I just felt that although the subject was interesting, I was straying from the central point of my argument right at the end of the project. This research project`s aim was to examine how what performers do on stage, their delivery as a whole, affects how the audience understands the underlying message. The focus is on different aspects of a performance, and animation is in a way, in a league of its own, especially when it doesn`t rely on anthropomorphous characters and doesn`t use recorded voices. 

Instead, I have arranged for an online interview on the subject of discourse analysis, using a video collage as a starting point.  

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