Saturday, 7 November 2009

Malica a.k.a. MALac

We have been given informal feedback on our seminar work on the MALac short film script this Friday. Our group has presented an edit consisting of a title sequence (which is part of my version of the edit) and also a personal edit from yours truly. The tutors seemed pleased with the general outcome of the project, although the quality of the sound left much to be desired still. Something we`ll have to bear in mind for the next project (which, by the way, is coming along fairly nicely I would gather from our meetings so far...let`s just see how the ideas come together and then how we can manage to put them into practice). I really like the moody feel created by the lighting in the second group`s edit.

Anyway, this is my edit of the Malica a.k.a MALac:

And here is the group edit:

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (with regards this project):
So, time for a bit of self assessment! Things to learn: communicate, communicate and ...surprise....speak up! I think the overall quality of the work would be much improved in the future if we learn to let the others know when we are having difficulties within our own roles. For myself, I know I am still lousy at the so-called communication skills. Still not sure what to do to improve that though.
Also, I have to say that I am deeply dissatisfied with my performance with lighting the set. After all the tutorials and reading on the subject, I feel I am missing something (besides the obvious experience I mean).
But we had some good times as well. I feel like we have been successful in completing our individual work, before meetings and shootings, so that means everyone is responsible and is ready to be part of the group.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are great and the music gives atmosphere. Treating the sound of the womans voice in the second edit may keep it more in the "murky realms". The titles were well timed

Lighting -- key , paint with light
use more devices to control and change the properties of your lighting.
e,g, use practicals to light smaller areas, use flags to creat shadows and also control the light.

keep going and experience with knowlege = skill