Sunday, 25 October 2009

Color-Correct me!

We`ve had a lecture on the use of color in films and while looking up videos related to the topic on Youtube, I just came across this video:

Now, this seemed to answer in part one of the questions I was to ask my tutors, about how you get your footage to LOOK like a film, not just a recording of a scene (of course, I am only talking about the visual aspect here, I know that the cinematic look is achieved through movement, both of actors and camera, sound, lighting and so on). This second video offered a tutorial, and although it was for another editing software, it just made me more aware of what effects I had to resort to in Premiere and After Effects to get a similar result.

This is a first attempt with some of the footage from the camera training we had last year with Bindni:

And here are some screenshots. It is really interesting how you can add to the story, or turn it upside down by tinting, high or low saturation, playing around with the levels.  Even minor changes, such as between the first and second capture, can alter the feel of the movie. The first one is warmer, closer to `reality` in terms of colors, but also, because of this, the viewer may not feel cosy and safe in the belief that (as visually suggested) he is witnessing the happenings of another world that is not his.

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